Spring Lane School staff

Outreach And Partnership

The Outreach Team is our primary intervention when it comes to support for pupils at risk within mainstream education in terms of their engagement and behaviour. 

Our team is directed by the School's Partnership to respond to referrals and support mainstream Secondary School's,  in order to build capacity in supporting pupils presenting SEMH difficulties in school.

In addition to providing support, advice, and training to schools and their staff, we provide a pupil-centred approach to support individual pupils who have been referred to us by their school.

Pupils are referred to the Outreach Team by their schools for a variety of reasons: a need to develop their relationships with staff or peers; issues with self-esteem; a desire to form a positive approach to the school rules and expectations; a need for improved engagement in school or anticipated difficulties at periods of change.

The Outreach Team also plays a significant role in supporting Day 6 and more long-term PRU-placed pupils back into mainstream education, with the coordination of meetings, placement planning, and transitional work between the schools, the pupil, and the family. 

Together with schools, pupils, and their parents/ carers, we aim to secure improved educational outcomes and positive change for young people in our schools across the Local Authority. 

What We Do

Following a pupil referral information is gathered from parents, school, observations and/or meeting with the young person in school, and other professionals concerned. We use this information to help assess the young person’s strengths and difficulties in order to plan the support that we can offer.

Following the assessment, parents will be invited to meet with school and other relevant professionals to develop a plan to support the young person.

We then help implement the agreed plan. This might include; advice and recommendations to school, individual mentoring support for the pupil, inclusion in social skills groups or specific work on issues such as anger management.

The plan will have an agreed time span and review date. Parents will be invited to discuss the progress made by the young person.  We can then decide how much on-going support from the Team needs to be planned for the future.


What People Said

"They help me with my behaviour and give me strategies to help"

Y9 Boy
"The inclusion teacher from the team was really helpful in meetings about my child’s behaviour in school"

"Parents value the advice and support of our inclusion worker"

School SENCO
"They like help us. They talk about how we feel angry and help us calm down."

Y8 Boy
"D has been trying really hard since working with (IST) his emotional needs seem to be being met and staff are pleased with him."

"They help people to calm themselves down when they are stressed. They help you through difficult situations."

Y9 Boy
"M’s behaviour has really improved since he received help and he is no longer on school report"

"The support we get in school to help our pupils with difficulties is very effective"

Deputy Head
"You can talk to someone about stuff in school and at home"

Y10 Girl
"The work the team did with J was a huge help for him. Thank you"



Will I have a say in what happens?

Yes. We cannot accept referrals without parents/carers permission and support. Your views help us to decide the most appropriate support for your child.

How long will this work last?

 An assessment and intervention cycle may take about a term.

Do I need to sign anything?

Yes. We need your written consent on the referral form.

It is difficult for me to come into school does that mean the outreach work can't happen?

No.  It is important for parents/carers to be involved, but we understand that it can be difficult at times for parents to get into school.  We will do our best to keep you  fully informed. You are always welcome to contact us using the details in our parents/carers leaflet.

What can I do that would help?

You can support your child by encouraging them to try to follow any advice and strategies given and to cooperate with agreements reached in school.